From the perspective of a student coming back to school, I often wondered if I would be able to remember all the material we will learn. This post will focus on our ability to capture, internalize and retain information.
Kuemper, C. (2021). [Class handout]. St. Mary's University, EDFN 311 |
Above you can see a diagram explaining a model for processing information in our memory. I will explain the terms above so as to clarify the classroom management tips below:
Sensory memory: temporary storage of sensory information.
Working memory: brief storage of information currently being used.
Long-term memory: relatively permanent storage of information.
Tip # 45- Working memory training involves training the visuospatial sketchpad and phonological loop. Our visuospatial sketchpad holds visual and spatial information. Our phonological loop holds verbal and acoustical information such as speech and sound-related systems. By training our senses we can improve our chances of retaining information and moving such said information from our working memory to our long-term memory.
Tip # 46- When students independently seek assistance from peers, they learn at higher levels. Perhaps this is because we remember the answers to our own questions best. This memory tip might work in the same way that private speech helps young children learn. When we have a question and we discuss our questions with our peers we remember our answers best, we internalize our speech.
Tip # 47- Once a child acquires a concept, many new facts fit into it, enhancing the scheme and facilitating transfer. The more you learn the more you know, and the easier it is to learn more. That is why as teachers we should be constantly monitoring our students' understanding by assessing their learning.
I wanted to look a little further into the topic of storing information in our long-term memory. I wondered what strategies teachers are using to help kids retain information. Below are a few examples of techniques for retaining information that I found in a wonderful article entitled Effective Memory Strategies for Special Needs Children: The Ultimate Guide (Loveless, 2021).
Tip # 48- Use Mnemonics- Mnemonics is a learning strategy where students use familiar words, music, rhymes and / or rhythms and associate them with the information they are struggling to retain. Some examples might include:
The ABC song is a popular way for children to learn their alphabet using music.
ROY G BIV to remember the colors of the rainbow in their appropriate order
Dr & Mrs. Vandertramp to remember verbs that must be conjugated with the verb etre in French.
Tip # 49- Hands-on learning- After learning a new concept the students could visit a site related to the concept, or perform an experiment that proves/disproves certain aspects of the concept. Students could also visit a site associated with the lesson. Hands-on learning allows the students to associate a concept with a place or activity, thus improving the chances of retaining information. Children always look forward to field trips. Field trips make learning fun!
Tip # 50- Role practice exercises- Repetition is key in retaining information. "Teachers can create drills students can complete on their own, or conduct drills with the entire class (Loveless, 2021)." To this day I still remember my multiplication tables, perhaps it was not the best way to learn, but it is strong proof to me that repetition sends information to your long-term memory storage.
Tip # 51- Go slowly! Slowing learning down allows the child to fully process small chunks before moving on to more information. This could mean repeating the material several times. Giving time requires a great deal of patience, but time is not only a great gift for learning, but also for our students ' mental health.
Tip # 52- Use Multiple Formats- We all have different styles of learning and might be more attentive when information is presented in a variety of ways. During our lesson planning, we should make sure to include written, oral, kinesthetic, and visual formats so as to improve our chances to reach a greater number of students.
Tip # 53- Teach Active Reading- A highlighter and a pen can be great and simple tools for our students. The ability to highlight and make notes in our margins about what we are reading will help us remember the information we are trying to retain. This is not always possible, but if the possibility is there encourage your students to use this method. Active reading requires greater focus.
Tip # 54- Use lists- lists allow our students to categorize large numbers of information into "chunk size" for learning. If we are using lists for classroom tasks or routines this allows the child to mentally check off each item as needed. The picture below is an example of chunking information from class:
Tip # 55- Make it a game. Similarly to most play-based learning when learning becomes fun it takes the stress out of the learning process. Using cards, trivia, or a board game are just a few examples of how we can bring some fun into our classrooms.
Tip # 56- Give less work. This might sound counter-intuitive, but getting a big pile of paper could discourage learning from the beginning and it can frankly be very intimidating. Breaking assignments down into small manageable chunks that can be easily completed will offer encouragement.
Tip # 57 - Relate to real-life- Whenever possible we should seek to find real-life applications in our classrooms. Some fun examples might include a renovation project when learning about measurements and areas, or a pretend store in kindergarten to improve numeracy.
Tip # 58 - Let the child teach you! One of the best ways to retain information is to try to explain it to someone else. When the child teaches make sure to be active in your listening, comment, and praise the learning!
Effective Memory Strategies for Special Needs Children: The Ultimate Guide. Effective memory strategies for special needs children: The ultimate guide. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2021, from