Thursday, October 7, 2021

It is About Relatioships


way to go

    Learning and relationships go hand in hand. Every class so far has emphasized the importance of building strong relationships with our students and our students building strong relationships with each other. In all our interactions we should always remember to preserve our students' dignity. 

    Although we are the teachers, we are not the only givers of knowledge in a classroom. Much learning takes place while our students interact with each other. I have seen this process first hand during our many class discussions over the last few weeks.

 Tip # 29 - Peers can help tutor, provide friendship, give feedback and make school a place kids want to be d = 0.64

    As we are building relationships with our students we need to remember that like us they are NOT perfect. All social human interactions occasionally run into conflict. As teachers, we need to remember that there may come a time when we will need to act as the authority in the classroom. Below are a few teaching tips for when we need to discipline our students:

Tip # 30- Logical consequences are a) connected to the offense b) as instructive and good for the child as possible. For example, you didn't do your work, you will need to stay in at recess to complete it.

Tip # 31 - Group punishments are ineffective as the students who behave are arbitrarily punished and it sends the message home that everyone is bad.

Tip # 32 - Positive and negative reinforcement are superior to punishment (because they reinforce good behavior rather than just suppressing bad behavior)

Tip # 33- Catch them being good. Excessive negativity sends the message the classroom is chaos. Classroom management is more than controlling bad behavior, encouraging good behavior is just, if not more, important.

On the topic of keeping a positive attitude, remember to accentuate the positive. PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE!

Effective praise is:

Tip # 34- Informational, not controlling.

Tip # 35- Delivered contingently

TIp # 36- Specifies the particulars of an accomplishment

Tip # 37- Is given in recognition of noteworthy effort or success in a difficult task.

There were many other descriptions of effective praise, but these examples above really resonated with me. I believe they encourage hard work and improve our self-worth. There is nothing that can lift up someone's spirits more than GENUINE praise and compliments.

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