Friday, November 5, 2021

Grandma's rule

    I wanted to go back to a concept we discussed in class a few lessons ago. Lately, I think about it every time my children ask if they can watch TV, play video games, or do just about any activity that they think is fun, and I think it is not good for them. The concept is called the Premack Principle. 

    The Premack Principle is my 59th teaching tip:

Tip # 59 - The Premack Principle is a theory of reinforcement that states that a less desired behavior can be reinforced by the chance to engage in a more desired behavior. For example, let's say our class is having a hard time finishing a particular writing assignment (less desired behavior), but they are really excited about a game we have been playing in Phys. Ed (more desired behavior). We can propose that once that assignment is completed we can play the game. 

Tip # 60 - When applying the Premack principle we need to remember to be reasonable. Let's say our class enjoys watching movies (who doesn't?). Although movie watching is obviously a more desired activity we cannot promise a movie every time we are faced with a less desired activity that has to be completed. A more reasonable activity might be 5 extra minutes of recess. 

I read that the tendency of many caregivers to use this principle is why it is sometimes called "Grandma's rule."

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